Pashentsev D. A.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. Technical progress associated with the development and active implementation of modern technologies in all spheres of life determines the transition to a new scientific rationality. This, in turn, determines the need for a new scientific methodology. In this regard, legal science has entered the stage of searching for new methodological approaches that can provide answers to the challenges of modern reality.
The purpose of the article is to identify the features and main directions of development of the legal research methodology at the present stage.
To achieve this goal, a dialectical method of cognition based on a wide range of scientific literature is used.
The article substantiates the conclusion that post-non-classical scientific rationality determines the active search for the new methodological approaches by representatives of Russian jurisprudence. The basic direction of such searches is a new level of interdisciplinary legal research. It also emphasizes the importance of finding the optimal balance between all levels of scientific methodology: classical, non-classical, post-non-classical.
Keywords: methodology, scientific rationality, post-non-classical science, legal science, theory of law, subject of law.
For citation: Pashentsev D. A. Modernizing Legal Research Methodology in Conditions of the Formation of a New Scientific Rationality. Zhurnal rossijskogo prava = Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 5—13. DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.090 (In Russ.)
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Lapaeva V. V.
Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119019, Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems associated with the working out the global legal regulators able to bring the development of genomic research and technology into a safer course and guarantee the preservation of humanity as a biosocial community. The author solves the following tasks: 1) to substantiate the thesis that in the near future it will be hardly possible to form such regulators, and 2) to comprehend possible solutions to the problem through new approaches to the interaction of law and religion in line with the secular development of modern society.
The research method is such a direction of philosophical and legal thought, which is based on an understanding of the essential differences between legal and moral-religious regulators and an interpretation of the essence of law as a principle of formal equality.
The conclusion substantiates that the main reason is that global legal regulation requires genetic research and technologies. This, in turn, requires enormous efforts between countries and transnational corporations to study genomic technologies, which exist in various religious and anthropological traditions of understanding human nature in various technological areas of the world. The way out of the situation is a post-secular turn, which consists in the desire to use the spiritual potential for the development of normal “soft law”. Since religious consciousness is not limited to a Christian worldview, the main regulatory burden at this stage falls on the world scientific community, which has its own levers and channels of influence on the situation.
Keywords: law, religion, Christianity, human genome, genome editing, CRISPR technology, human embryo, global regulation, science.
For citation: Lapaeva V. V. Law and Religion in the “Age of Genomics”. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 14—26. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.091
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Nikitina E. E.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems associated with the development of the human rights system in the Russian Federation during the period of widespread use of new technologies. This (in addition to a positive impact, such as implying an increase in productivity, strengthening the economy, improving the level and quality of human life) poses significant threats to the human person, his dignity and rights.
The author explores the possible forms of transformation of the human rights system in order to solve regulatory issues in those areas of human activity, which are most strongly influenced by modern technologies. The development of the modern system of human rights has been manifested in several forms: supplementation of the list of human rights with a new human right, expanding the content of a particular human right, and increasing the legal and material guarantees of its exercise.
Human rights have a significant potential for transforming its content and scope of new social relations, since they have a broad formulation. Moreover, taking into account the peculiarities of the legal structure of human rights, they are not only subjective rights themselves, but also serve as provisions and principles. Therefore they can regulate new spheres of human activity.
The author concludes that it is groundlessness to assume a new age of rights of a new generation, including various somatic, genetic, information, digital, virtual, and other rights. At the same time, it is clear that some of these rights have already been being forming and gathering momentum for their international recognition and incorporation into national legislation. At the present time, the content of human rights, which should operate in new areas of human activity, is ontologically related to the fundamental foundations of human rights — freedom and equality. This means that the interests of an individual protected by the new rights' guarantees have concrete manifestations and an organic part of the already established basic values.
Keywords: system of human rights, generations of human rights, information rights, genomics, biotechnologies, genetic rights.
For citation: Nikitina E. E. The System of Human Rights and Freedoms in the Context of the Technological Revolution. Zhurnal rossijskogo prava = Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 27—44. DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.092 (In Russ.)
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Bondarchuk I. V.
Crimean Branch, Russian State University of Justice, Simferopol 295006, Russian Federation
Abstract. Among all bodies of the highest judicial power, it is the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation that exerts an evolutionary influence on the integration processes of the rule-making systems of the Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation. Its acts are not only aimed at overcoming temporary integration tasks, but also set the vector for the development of vertical and horizontal relationships between the rule-making systems of the Federation and its constituent entity.
In this work the author analyzes the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation regarding the designated problem. The attention is drawn to the controversial nature of some assessments in the academic literature regarding the admissibility of the formation of transitional regional legal norms from the angle of legal structures formulated by judicial practice. The author shows that the legal positions regarding the rule-making activity of the Republic of Crimea are not limited to only one considered case on the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Law of the Republic of Crimea “On the specifics of regulating property and land relations on the territory of the Republic of Crimea” and the instructions of the resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea. This assumption applies also to the refusal decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The implementation of court decisions into legislative acts at the regional level is generally perceived positively. As a result of the study, the author characterizes the constitutional and legal rule-making mechanism in the new constituent entity of the Federation as a new complex systemic phenomenon.
Keywords: rule-making system, Republic of Crimea, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, constitutionality, integration, legal space, judicial practice, rule-making, examination of legislation.
For citation: Bondarchuk I. V. Implementing the Positions of the Russian Constitutional Court into the Legislation of the Republic of Crimea. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 45—58. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.093
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Gutnikov O. V.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. Current Russian corporate legislation development is influenced by the reform of Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on legal entities, carried out in 2014. This also determines the main current trends in the corporate law development. It is mostly aimed at bringing special laws in conformity with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and not bringing anything new to the legal regulation of corporate relations.
The purpose of the article is to identify new trends in the development of corporate legislation, as well as a general assessment of the prospects for their further implementation.
The research methods are general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system analysis) and legal scientific (methods of literal, systematic, teleological and historical interpretation of legal norms).
The problems of the main trends in the development of corporate legislation are considered taking into account the provisions of existing legislative acts governing corporate relations in business companies and in other types of legal entities. It discusses the content of every identified trend and discloses and assesses the prospects for their further implementation.
Keywords: corporate law, corporate relations, civil law reform, corporate law development trends, corporate liability.
For citation: Gutnikov O. V. Corporate Law Development Trends at the Present Time. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 59—73. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.094
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Shuvalov I. I.
VEB.RF, Moscow 107078, Russian Federation
Abstract. The analysis of the chronological development of legal regulation of business relations in Russia is essential for the science of business law. The revealed tendencies testify to the reflection in the normative legal acts of a particular period of the economic policy pursued by the state. The article examines three main historical stages in the development of sources of entrepreneurial law (pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet periods). Each of them allows assessing the state of the economy and the needs of society, as well as the tasks facing the state. The author also refers to the negative experience of economic policy that led to socio-economic crises.
As a result, it is concluded that historical examples prove the need to strive for a balance of public and private interests and a competently conducted economic policy by the state in a given time period. Entrepreneurship should be interested in a strong state that can provide support to business during a period of social and economic crisis. This indicates the advisability of revising the role of the state in the legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity at the present stage of development of society.
Keywords: genesis of legal regulation, business law, trade law, entrepreneurial activity, industrial capitalism, market economy.
For citation: Shuvalov I. I. Legal Regulation of Business Relations in the History of Russia. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 74—83. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/ jrl.2020.095
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Lomakina L. A.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of regulating the work of scientific worker in the context of the development of the scientific potential of our country. Scientific personnel is an important component of the state's scientific potential. Based on the analysis of normative legal acts regulating the remuneration of scientific workers, some issues related to the terminology in the normative legal acts regulating their work are considered. Scientific workers have a special legal status, so their work is regulated by both general legal norms and special ones that take into account various factors that reflect the diversity of professional activities of scientific workers.
The use of such a term as “researcher” in the place of the generally established “scientific worker” in regulatory legal acts of recent years is misleading for law enforcement. Meanwhile, the “researcher” is only part of the title of the position held by scientists in such positions as chief researcher, leading researcher, and others.
Labor relations between a scientific worker and an employer are formed by an employment contract. The appearance of such a phrase as “effective contract” in normative legal acts does not mean that it is not an employment contract, but a contract, since an effective contract is actually an employment contract with an employee, which specifies the terms of remuneration, indicators and criteria for evaluating the employee's performance.
Therefore, it is advisable in all regulatory legal acts regulating the work of scientific worker to adhere to the same terminology established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: a scientific worker, an employment contract. Normative legal acts regulating the work of scientific workers, which contain such terms as “employment contract” and “scientific worker” should be given in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: scientific worker, researcher, employment contract, effective contract, scientific staff, scientific potential, criteria for evaluating labor efficiency, common terminology, effectiveness of legal norms.
For citation: Lomakina L. A. Scientific Potential of the Country and Some Issues of Regulating the Work of Scientific Workers. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 84—93. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.096
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Salagay O. O., Soshkina K. V.
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow 127994, Russian Federation
Abstract. The link between a person's health and their lifestyle, behavioral habits and the state of the environment has long been proven in medical science. It is known that due to the prevalence of behavioral risk factors for developing diseases (tobacco use, other nicotine-containing products, harmful alcohol consumption, poor nutrition and low physical activity), disability and mortality from diseases associated with such habits increase annually worldwide. However, despite awareness of the dangers, behavioral risk factors for developing diseases are highly common. Meanwhile, the task of public health is to find the most effective tools to reduce the burden of “self-inflicted conditions”, as well as to minimize the consequences of inattentive attitude to their health, followed by the transition to the concept of “self-preservation behavior”. Currently, the provision on the responsible attitude of citizens for their health appeared in the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 14 March 2020 No. 1-FKZ “On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public authorities”. In this regard, it is of interest to find legal tools and mechanisms that will help to create a culture of responsible attitude to one's health, as well as the main aspects of a value-based approach in healthcare. The purpose of the article is to study the legal content of the duty of a citizen to take care of their health in relation to the corresponding responsibility of the state, to develop possible mechanisms that would ensure the most effective implementation of this duty, as well as to form the scientific basis of the concept of personal responsibility of each citizen for their health.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the main approaches to the distribution of responsibility for health between a citizen and the state that have developed in legal science and practice.
Main research methods: analysis of scientific literature, formal and logical analysis of Russian legislation, method of comparative law.
The authors analyze the main approaches to the distribution of responsibility for health between a citizen and the state from a legal point of view, and also consider approaches to motivating citizens to take personal responsibility for their health.
Keywords: strengthening public health, responsibility for health, behavioral risk factors, the social state, the right to protect the health of citizens, regulation based on values, a value-based approach to health.
For citation: Salagay O. O., Soshkina K. V. The Concept of Personal Responsibility for Health: Legal Aspect. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 94—104. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.097
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Zyryanov S. M.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. A Special Part of the Russian legislation on administrative offences contains a significant amount of descriptions of the legal structures of administrative offences, pointing to their objective and subjective signs. At the same time, these structures are very diverse, the absence of any systemic presentation of legal matter and sin various legal defects. However, their content is of great practical importance, as the rules of the Special Part are applied to imposition of administrative punishments, which can in many cases successfully compete with criminal penalties according the force of their influence.
The article discusses the inclusion of administrative offences elements in articles of the Special Part of the legislation on administrative offences, a typology of legal structures, identified previously not described in the literature methods supplement of administrative offences elements in the articles of the General Part and in the other sources. As a subject of scientific analysis, the author chose articles of the Special Part of the current Russian Code of Administrative Offences and the draft of the new one.
The research methodology is determined by the specifics of the chosen subject and includes a set of general scientific methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, synthesis, comparison).
Legislation on administrative offences has been developing since the first years of the USSR and has been codified twice. During this time, social relations have become significantly more complicated, new threats have appeared, and the volume of legal matter has increased many times. However, some administrative offences remain unchanged for many decades, while others have changed significantly. In addition, the design of new elements of administrative offenses is a matter for a wide range of subjects, with the dominant influence of the Government of the Russian Federation (federal executive authorities). The author comes to the conclusion that Russian law is developing in a network model determining the presence of multiple horizontal and vertical linkages among industries, institutions, norms and offense, resulting in a significant complexity to the design of an administrative offense by placing its elements in the whole network.
Keywords: administrative offense, administrative responsibility, composition of the offense, legal technique, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
For citation: Zyryanov S. M. Problems of Construction of Administrative Offence Elements in the Articles of the Special Part of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 105—126. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.098
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Omelekhina N. V.
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation
Abstract. One of the key challenges of modern times is the need to digitalize the economy. Due to the digital nature of the budget, the budget sphere is one of the most successful platforms for developing new information technologies and forming legal regimes for their regulation. In this regard, it is necessary to implement legal identification of the digitalization for the purposes of legal regulation, determine the level of formation of the legal regulation system taking into account the state structure, and investigate the impact of these processes on the essential structure of the budget law relation.
Formal-logical, concrete-historical, structural-functional and other methods were used.
In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that in relation to the budget sphere, digitalization can be considered in two aspects: as a special way of reflecting the processes of managing budget funds of the budget system, information about the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in electronic and digital form, and as a special way of transforming reality, a way of implementing budget activities. The result of digitalization in the budget sphere should be not only the openness of information about budget indicators (planned and actual), but also the openness of the process and logic of decision-making. It is proved that the legal regulation of digitalization processes should be considered as an integral part of the regulation of financial activities and referred to the subjects of the Russian Federation. The subject of digitalization in the budget sphere at the present stage can be: the creation of a new object of budget legal relations (digital assets); digitalization of decision-making processes in the budget sphere as the transfer of all (most) stages of the budget process to an electronic format; the introduction of so-called smart contracts in the budget execution process. In addition, the consequence of digitalization may be a change in the subject composition of budget activities or a revision of their functions. As a result of the research, the author substantiates the hypothesis about the possibility of digitalization of public Finance management processes on the very essence of budget relations, changing their structural elements and internal links between them through the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies.
Keywords: budget, budget sphere, budget law relations, financial relations, financial management, digitalization, legal regulation.
For citation: Omelekhina N. V. Digitalization of the Budget Sphere as a Subject of Legal Impact. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 127—140. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/ jrl.2020.099
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Galinovskaya E. A., Kichigin N. V.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow 117128, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the features and prospects of defining and fixing the legal regime of urban agglomerations in the legislation. Currently, the importance of urban agglomerations as points of growth and catalysts for regional development is emphasized at the state level. At the same time, the expansion of urban development and the settlement of people, which is characteristic of agglomeration, is a phenomenon that needs not only support, due to obvious positive manifestations, but also regulation by the public authorities. The current insufficient perception of the law and state administration of the features of urban agglomeration development, especially various types of connections between settlements and nearby territories, is one of the factors of conflict development of suburban areas, violation of their established legal regime, uncontrolled reduction of agricultural and forest land. At the same time, without taking into account the conducted research, the significance of rural settlements, small towns, and suburban green areas for socio-economic development is not so rarely diminished, with an exaggeration of the role of large cities. It should be recognized that the land, urban planning and other branches of legislation involved in the formation of the legal framework for spatial development were not fully prepared for this challenge.
The purpose of this work is to develop proposals for improving the legal regulation of urban agglomerations. To achieve this goal, the tasks were set to study the concept, features, and legal essence of agglomerations as a socio-territorial phenomenon, and urban agglomerations as their main variety.
The article describes the author's legal definition of urban agglomeration, as well as proposals for improving urban planning and other branches of legislation in order to increase the effectiveness of public management of agglomerations.
Keywords: agglomeration, urban agglomeration, rural agglomeration, socio-economic development, urban planning legislation, land legislation, spatial development strategy, urban settlements, rural settlements.
For citation: Galinovskaya E. A., Kichigin N. V. Urban Agglomeration as a Legal Category: Problem Statement. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 8, pp. 141—156. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.100
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